Welcome to Pemuteran Bay Festival


Cultural & Music Performance | Traditional Fishing Contest | Nature Fun Run
Biorock Workshop & New Reef Restoration Structure | Food Bazaar | Yoga Festival |
Kids Edutainment| Arttrash Workshop | Photo Hunt |

Pemuteran Coastal Village is aimed and recognized  as model of best practices
for  Community Based Village Ecotourism as an effective tools for conservation
of living landscape of nature and culture.





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About Pemuteran Bay

Pemuteran has received 22 national and international award among all ,
there are 3 Prestigious recognition PATA Gold award, Equator Prize, Millennium G20.
The conception and policy PRO Community, Culture and environment.
Based on the collaboration between community dedicated pioneer and government.
Pemuteran Coral rehabilitation project, become more effective by application
Of BIOROCK Technology with community proactive participation
Read more about Biorock Karang Lestari

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